Ristpiste ja Eesti maastikud (Featured)
The Cross Stitch and Estonian landscapes
16. July – 29. August 2019 at Türi Kultuurikeskuse Kunstigalerii
Exhibition “The Cross Stitch and Estonian landscapes” (Ristpiste ja Eesti maastikud) is a series of exhibitions by an artist Eero Ijavoinen with the latest addition also featuring works by Kristjan Kalde.
The title work, “The Cross Stitch”, is a combination of large, square modules of abstract paintings, where the artist repeats one of the most primordial shapes.
In addition to abstract creations, there are highly generalized factorial landscapes and intermediate forms, where you can see the landscape with the left eye and the abstract composition with the right eye. The exhibition works are characterized by spontaneous vigor and at the same time meditative focus on the image or surface.